
The collected tools from the practice guidance section are also available below:

Start with the person

Maintain a relationship

Involve support networks

Uphold people’s rights

Work with ongoing change

One-page profile


5 things to know about dementia


This is me




Identifying Outcomes


General principles when involving people with dementia


Top tips for communication with people with dementia


Care co-ordination


Barriers faced by people with dementia


Triangle of care


Case studies of social work with carers, including young carer, carer of a parent, partner carers


NICE Tailored resource for carers and care providers on supporting people to live well with dementia


Social Work Practice with Carers


Carers’ resilience




Circles of support, main considerations


Involving people with dementia in dementia-friendly communities


Our dementia, our rights


Using a Human Rights Approach to Your Work, PANEL Principles


Guidelines on language about dementia


Hot tips for supporting people with learning disability and dementia


Building cultural capability


Understanding and applying the law


Ten questions to support positive risk assessments


Dementia pathway NICE


Making your home dementia friendly


Tips for employers


Charter for dementia friendly technology


Case study of transition to care home


Rules of thumb for end of life care for people with dementia

